Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Obama' Global Warming Plan

Barack Obama has big plans to reduce global warning by creating a market for clean-burning fuels that can stop the changes and dangerous transformation of our climate. He has a plan for a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard that would establish low carbon fuel standard for transportation fuels sold in California and would like to create a program that is instated around the country which is based on the California plan. He believes it is our generation that has to save future generations from global catastrophe by creating the market previously spoken of. He believes the time is now that we made a national committment as states California and New Hampshire have, a committment to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and take the equivalent of 32 million cars' worth of pollution out of the atmosphere. The first step to succceeding is to transition towards fuels that emit less carbon dioxde. His porposal would require that all transportation fuels sold in the US contatin 5 percent less carbon by 2010 and 10 percent less carbon by the year 2020. The benefits involved would mean that the market would determine which fuels are used by fuel distrobutores and blenders to meet the NLCFS instead of the governement. Also, the NCLFA would create an incentive for the production of more flexible-fuel vehicles that can run on ethanol and more plug-in hybrid vehicles that run on electricity. The proposal includes a finanacial mechanism where it allows providers of cleaner burning fuel to trade allowances to other producers. This plan does require alot of this country, but it would also help save us and future generations from a climate that is dangerous to all.

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