Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sex Education in Kindergarten
Lisa Wangsness, a globe staff with the Boston Globe, wrote about a dispute between Obama and Romney concerning sex education in kindergarten.
Romney is mischaracterizing Obama’s views about the issue. Trying to argue his point, Obama fails to understand the essential of the issue by referring to Romney’s past. The fact that Romney supported age-appropriate sex education about both abstinence and contraception in public schools in his past had nothing to do with the problem. Obama was just using an argument that diverts attention from the true issue by concentrating on something else, Red herring. Romney disagreed with the fact that there is no such a thing as age-appropriate sex education in kindergarten. Including sex education in Kindergarten is an issue that somebody had to point out to, and had to be discussed. Who cares about what Romney did in his past, people want to hear about the benefits of sex education in kindergarten and how is it going to be done.
Burton, Obama’s spokesman, made a hasty generalization while arguing with Romney. He said: “I think the only person who is confused in this debate is Mitt Romney, I think everyone else understands what Senator Obama is saying." Burton implies that Romney didn’t know what he was talking about. He was trying to walk back of their mistake.
Besides fallacies, Obama presents proofs from Massachusetts curriculum framework, and from Heidi Guarino which is a spokesman of the state Department of Education. Those arguments present a clear and logical explanation of the issue. Obama presented proofs and plans for sex education in kindergarten, and that’s what he should have done from the beginning instead of looking in his opponent’s past mistakes.

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