Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Obama on terrorism

This article which is written by Jeff Zeleny talks about how serious presidential candidate Barack Obama is taking the topic of terrorism. The topic came up at an Iowa Town Meeting. Obama is taking a very strong stance on this topic. Obama feels very strongly that the United States government and the United States as a whole need to pursue Islamic terrorists who present an imitate threat to the national security of the United States. But Obama feels that it is just important to put a positive vibe in people who do not view the United States in a good way. I agree with Obama here because you can’t just plan to go against our enemies because then people are just going to hate United States even more, you have to go and do things that people will recognize the United States in a positive way. Some of the things that the United States government could do are go into the other countries such as the Sudan and try to get rid of the genocide that is currently taking place there. But back to the safety of the country, Obama isn’t just a political on this issue. Meaning like he’s just worried about the country being bombed and that’s it. He also has a family, and so he doesn’t want his young children to be in danger if there was to be a bomb dropped in this country, or if there was to be another terrorist attack. Also, Obama cares about this topic because he currently lives in Chicago and sp he doesn’t want his hometown to be affected and Chicago is one of the city’s that is likely to be attacked if our country is to be attacked.

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