Monday, April 14, 2008

Obama on education

Obama is a firm believer in how important the early childhood of a human is essential. He was a leader on early childhood education, helping the state of Illinois to create Early Learning Council. One big plan for education is to instate the “Zero to Five” plan. This plan will help to provide crucial support ot young children and their parents. This plan stresses making sure that there is sufficient early care and education for infants because he believes it is essential for children to be mentally and physically ready prepared when they enter kindergarten so they can get the most out of their education at an early age. This plan also includes helping states move toward voluntary, universal pre-school. Other plans that Obama wants to instate are to make math and science education a national priority, addressing the dropout crisis, expanding high-quality afterschool oppurtunities, expanding summer learning opportunities, along with some others. I believe that making math and science a priority is a very good idea considering that times are changing. In the past, America was known as the top leader in education and production. We are now not at the top seeing that other countries are learning more faster and advancing their society more quickly compared to us. It would be in our benefit to pick up the pace in those fields and begin to climb more towards the top because today’s children are this country’s future and it is very important for them to be educated. Another way Obama is ensuring that our education is to be advanced is by recruiting, preparing, retaining, and rewarding America’s teachers. I also agree with this because I think teachers are one of the most important jobs held in this country and yet they are not compensated and recognized enough for what they are doing for the youth of this country. Aside from the actual education aspect, Obama is known for reducing prices of schooling in order for making it more affordable. It is a shame to see some kids not be able to hone their potential just because they cannot come up with the money and Obama understands that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is clear that Obama has young children and understands the importance of early learning. As a nationally board certified early childhood educator, I appreciate the voice he gives to the topic of early education. It truly is the key to future success and the abolishment of poverty.

Tracey Bryant Stuckey
Founder, Wiggle Giggle Learn