Barack Obama's actual position on gun control is an issue he (Obama) has jingled around since he was a senator. At first Obama was for the second amendment (when he was senator) but when he started his campaign for president, he had to dance around that issue and he changed his position to be against gun control. As author Robert Novak puts it; many democrats have lost thier votes just because of this critical issue to which a candidate's position is considered so seriously.
Author Novak, in the Washington post newpaper article, also states that; Obama doesn’t give his position concerning gun control. At first, he says that Obama is for the fact that people shouldn’t possess arms, but during his campaign, he supports the opposite idea. We can agree with the author in his statement .
Novak says that Obama, for his campaigns, supports that individuals must have the right to keep arms which is against the D.C government and the gun control advocates. He asserts that it is not only the militia who should have guns, but also the civilians. The author tells us that all democrats do the same thing not to lose the elections because they know that people would vote for candidates who are for the freedom of people to have arms. That “gun dance” is a strategy that every candidate might do because they must convince people in promising them what they want.
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