Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Barack Obama: Best for Foreign Policy

What makes a good foreign policy leader? It would seem that many today believe the face of the ardent, yet unflinching leader is not as desirable as it had once been. The defiant, arrogant attitude the United States has taken in the post September 11th era toward the world’s diplomatic relations has left a poor taste in voters’ and politicians’ mouths, especially among the youthful political elite. Seemingly more and more young (and even some older) political leaders have changed camps due in some part to the issue of foreign policy. The opinion in this article expressed a trend to be more favorable towards Obama’s camp on this issue citing the perceived differences between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama. On this issue the same overworked and beaten-to-death point is brought up putting down Hillary for her affirmative vote to go to war (which I do believe to be somewhat taken out of context), but the major point to be noted is Obama opposition to the war even at this time. A demonstration of individuality anyone? Obama seemed to demonstrate his convictions on this issue at least, leading many to gain faith in his convictions and his ability to judge upon personal convictions rather than peer-pressured conformity.

In addition to these points the obvious racial and ethnic issues arise as well. How will a man of color function within the White House. Well, in the case of diplomatic relations I only find this development (should he be elected) to be a comforting thought given the fact that many of our largest concerns stem from nations with large colored majorities who would only view the stark contrast between the hated WASP President that Bush currently represents and a colored new world President that Obama could represent. Because honestly what better than a new outlook and a harshly different face to represent it. It is badly needed. Also, Obama’s is as the article states a “cultural hybrid.” What a perfect analogy. Obama IS what the hybrid car is to the auto industry: an innovative, new age solution to mounting problem.

On this issue, I believe that no candidate measures up to Obama. He is just too open to a solution for conventional American politics. I mean really… who has ever hear of meeting with trouble countries and those leaders who have opposed us in the past. How could meeting with others to understand their position on the issues really help us at all? And the current president and all the candidates have said this was not something they were willing to do!!! I mean really, when did the United States become so high and mighty that we could just shun the rest of the world and their concerns. This is why I believe Obama is best for the job. He will TALK to these countries and hopefully bring America down off its pedestal to finally do something beneficial for the country and the world.

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