Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Obama on Race

This Article talks about the issue of race. According to his advisors presidential candidate Barack Obama was faced with a major test in his candidacy for presidents. What happened is that his pastor made some racial comments, and after hearing his pastor’s comments, Obama and some of his advisors felt that the race issue is still an important issue in our country, and Obama feels that he needs to address this issue. I agree with Obama here because I still feel that there are still some racist’s people in the country and we should educate or inform people that the views that they have are not correct or that they are wrong. I would even go as far as punish the people who speak out in a public or private format against other races. I’m not saying if someone makes one racist comment that they should be punished but if they do it repeatedly, then some action needs to take place. I think we are really behindin when we talk about acepting everybody from every race due to the fact that for example the mexicans dreaming a chance for a better life risk their life when they try to cross the border between the United States and Mexico ilegally and this gives the United States a bad impression of the other cultures specially latin countries.

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