Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Was Obama's Speech Enough?


Joan Walsh wrote a column on whether Obama’s speech on discrimination was enough for the public. This speech came from Obama after what his pastor, Wright, had to say on discrimination. Although Wright had some very outrageous and political remarks, for example Wright says, “U.S. directly introduced AIDS to black America "as a means of genocide.” I think Obama is really trying to help the problem with discrimination going on today. People are blaming Obama for who his pastor/family friend was growing up. The remarks brought forth by Wright do not necessarily mean that Obama agrees with all of what Wright has to say. Obama then went on by saying, “Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely -- just as I'm sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed."

I think that discrimination is still a big problem today, and Obama will be able to help further solve this problem. Why should this hurt Obama’s campaign? Obama is a different person, he is not Wright. If people need to know it is Obama running for president, not Wright. They are two different people and Obama is going to have his own views on the racial and ethical issues such as discrimination and ethical views. In the column by Walsh Obama, along with the issue discrimination Obama also had strong views on America’s welfare and poverty.

I thought Obama’s comments on welfare and poverty in the column were very strong too. One specific comment was, “Both black and white anger are often "counterproductive," distracting attention "from the real culprits of the middle-class squeeze.” This can explain why so many people are going on welfare. Jobs for the white and black middle class are all going overseas. I agree with Obama because this problem starts the whole chain of welfare, poverty, and lack of education. Americans need jobs! This is our country and I feel that we need to do a better job at providing people with jobs and worry less about low production costs.

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