Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Obama on the death penalty


The 2008 election is upon us and the citizens want to know about many issues. One of the many issues that are being considered by voters is the death penalty. Obama wrote that he thinks the death penalty does little to deter crime, but it should be used when a crime is so heinous that the community wants to take the most lethal action upon that individual. I agree 100% with this statement made my Barack Obama for two reasons. First, just because someone thinks they could receive the death penalty, it probably does not make them think twice about the crime they are about to commit. Once they have gotten to the point where they are going to commit a crime, there is no turning back for the criminal. Second, if the action that the particular individual commits is so bad that the only thing that should be done to them is death, then so be it. Some people do things that are just unforgivable and deserve to die for it whether or not they believe what they did was wrong.

Another thing Obama wanted to do with the death penalty is require all interrogations and confessions to be taped. This was known as his signature effort because it is what he pushed for the most when talking about the death penalty. Even though it was opposed by prosecutors and police organizations, this is another great idea that Obama has come up with. Requiring the confessions and interrogations to be taped is smart because it will help the defense out when they jury sees what the accused person was acting like or thinking after the crime happened. Obama’s main point to get this bill passed was that no innocent man should be put on death row and no guilty man should be let free. I agree with him because it is not fair to the victim’s family and friends if the person who hurt their loved one got off free with no punishment.

In a way, Barack Obama is pro-death penalty but also he does not want to execute the wrong guy, according to the Washington Post. I think this is a good stance because only some people should get the death penalty and only in rare cases. There is no way to get away from the death penalty because in some peoples case, it is the only thing that can be done. Obama also said that it should only be used in some cases. I agree strongly with him and think he is headed in the right direction with the death penalty.

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